Time Marches On

I’m getting older.

I don’t know exactly when it happened. I mean, I’m suddenly realizing that I’m usually the oldest one in the group now, when that definitely wasn’t the case… not too long ago.

I started kindergarten a year early, as I’ve mentioned before. That made me the youngest in my class throughout grammar school. Then, when I skipped 8th grade to go right from 7th into high school, that made me youngest in my high school.

For a little over two years.

Naturally, when high school became college I was the youngest in my peer group. And when I entered the workforce, I was “the kid” once again.

Moving into management, I had the typical growing pains of anyone having to manage people older than themselves. I like to think I did a decent job of it.

I suppose the turn of the century brought about my transformation into an “older guy.”

For the first time, I started working for people that were younger than me. Also, my “kids” became “adults” on my 50th birthday – a double whammy. My peers all suddenly were younger, and some of my cousins and siblings hit their 60th birthdays.

This is just something I’m going to have to learn to live with.

These days, the only time I’m not the oldest in the group is when I visit the cardiologist’s office.

Thank God for small favors.

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